Spiritual Intuitive Life Coaching
​Spiritual & Intuitive Life Coaching is beneficial for those who feel like something is missing in their lives, who are at a crossroads, or who seek deeper fulfillment, purpose and meaning. It is about finding one’s place in the universe and navigating life’s challenges with spiritual integrity and wisdom, while moving you forward towards the change you seek in our life.
For those who want to be more in alignment with their values, beliefs, and intuition, Spiritual Life Coaching can help us to connect with and develop who we really are based on our soul's blueprint. The approach is action and future oriented, designed to move us towards our goals and aspirations by utilizing questions that encourage us to tap into our inner knowing. As questions are answered clients gain the insight and clarity needed to accept, resolve, and release the issue at hand, bringing more peace and a growing sense of confidence as we realize that all the answers were within us the whole time.​
Sessions may include Oracle Card or Animal Medicine card readings to bring different perspectives and inspiring reflections that help to expand and deepen ones' relationship to whatever issue is being explored. ​
Quantum energy healing using Matrix Energetics helps to clear away energetic and emotional clutter and amplifies our connection to universal energies and to other versions of ourselves. The Emotion Code may be included as well and at some point, an Akashic Record reading may be desired to get a more celestial viewpoint and more profound insights.​
Through this powerful, focused, combination of open-ended questions, intuitive readings and energy healing an incredible amount of information can be revealed, allowing clients to shift more easily towards solutions and outcomes previously inaccessible to them.

Akashic Record Soul Readings
Akashic Record Soul Reading are similar to psychic readings, but more general and not predictive. Reading ones Akashic Records gives us a bird’s eye view of our lives and can shed light on what is blocking us and keeping us stuck. Readings create shifts in our relationship to issues, allowing us to see them from different angles and a higher perspective.
Often referred to as the Book of Life, the Akashic Records are a fifth dimensional energetic database much like a search engine, containing vibrational information of the entire history of one’s soul throughout all time and can include information on past lives as well as the opportunity to connect to lost loved ones. This celestial view of ourselves and our lives offers valuable information and insights as the questions are answered from the celestial realm.
Being in the Records can feel magical and inspiring as we create a dialogue between us, and the Lords, Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones who guard the Records. Questions can range from the practical to the mystical, and the answers often illuminate what hasn't been considered, or may lead us to a connection to other areas of one's life that may need your attention. Connecting to lost loved ones and receiving their messages can be especially empowering and can help bring a sense of resolution, allowing people to move forward with their lives.
To enhance the experience Matrix Energetics, a form of Quantum Energy Healing, is incorporated into each reading to help integrate new information and release stagnant energy, leaving clients feeling relaxed, inspired, whole, and at peace following a session.

Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy

​Have you ever wondered where and when a limiting belief about ourselves started? Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy allows us to travel back in time (early childhood, or sometimes to the womb, or past lives) to the source of long term, self-limiting, core beliefs that are at the root of our emotional and physical distress and that contribute to negative patterns of behaviors, habits, and compulsions.
Feelings can be expressed, releasing trapped emotions and long held beliefs that no longer serve us. This allows us to form more positive and updated conclusions about ourselves, enabling us to change our perspectives and behaviors which can lead to profound shifts in our emotional and physical health, and can help us to break free from unproductive patterns of behavior in our lives.
In addition to healing physical and emotional trauma, Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy can assist in weight loss, smoking cessation, insomnia, and in reducing anxiety and fears as well as other challenging, long term issues and trauma. Sessions are recorded so clients can listen repeatedly, allowing the subconscious mind to continue to update old programming while building a stronger, nurturing connection to one's inner child and themselves.