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Integrative Somatic Counseling & Soul Centered Coaching

Spiritual & Intuitive Guidance with Energy Medicine

Turn the Life you Have, into the Life you Want Simply by Being



    Here's what clients are saying:


Welcome to Ladybug
Body-Mind Healing


Do you ever feel like you're not enough, or like something is wrong with you? Do you hold back your best self, afraid to be fully you? Are you a chronic worrier? Perfectionist? Over thinker? Do you feel different, but unable to embrace what makes you unique? Do you have every reason to be happy, but aren't?


How do you experience these thoughts and feelings in your body? Maybe your throat tightens or your jaw clenches, or maybe you get swept up in an anxiety spiral that stops you in your tracks. Or maybe it manifests physically as a headache or a stomach ache.


What if we could change these distorted perceptions of ourselves and finally live life as our truest,  most powerful selves? 


Together, we can address and release these outdated beliefs from the source, and move you forward to a calmer, more peaceful future that allows you to thrive and attain your goals with confidence and ease, unencumbered.



I enjoy helping people, especially women,  learn how to get out of their own way so they can finally live life on their terms. I especially like working with anxious, high functioning women and their 'inner critics', whose relentless bullying make everything more difficult than it needs to be.


By transmuting these self defeating beliefs and negative voices and releasing the energy that accompanies them, peace can replace the constant churn of worrying, and confidence can unseat self-doubt simply by embracing who you really are, not who you had to be for others.


Working somatically, pragmatically and energetically we can begin to remove the layers that bury our authentic selves and stand more firmly in our truth. As we release these barriers, we start to see ourselves as the multidimensional beings that we are, here to live a more soul directed purposeful life, the life we were meant to live.



Put simply, we are energy beings with a body, mind and spirit - "eternal beings having a human experience" - much more than just our physical selves. Once we discover who we are on a deeper level and connect to our inner knowing, we can step into our full potential  and accomplish anything.


It is only the imbalances, the limitations we are holding onto consciously or unconsciously, that stand in our way. And finding balance is often simpler than we think. It starts with a small but profound shift in how we see ourselves, and our willingness to let go of these self imposed limitations.



We are living during a time of great transformation in the country and the planet. The same energy is available to us as we enter a new era of enlightenment and a higher connection to ourselves and each other. So if you've been wanting to make a change in your life, or in yourself, now is the perfect time.


If you're ready to undo negative patterns, release what's holding you back and finally meet the real you, let's talk. Together we can get you to where you want to be so you can live a fuller, more authentic, and peaceful life. I'm ready to work and look forward to hearing from you!

Group of Green Leaves

Meet Leslie

Leslie is an eclectic MSW Somatic Counselor, Master Certified Life Coach, Spiritual Intuitive & Healer, Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist,  Energy Worker, and Nationally Certified Bodyworker trained in Cranio Sacral Therapy and Somato Emotional Release with over 20 years in the wellness field who tailors treatment to each client's individual needs.


Sessions are a collaborative conversation based on deep empathy, curiosity, and acceptance of what is, and what can be changed. She brings a deep level of personal understanding to this process to help clients resolve emotional, physical and spiritual imbalances and create the life they want.





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Meet Leslie
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